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Color Through Divorce

The first weeks and months after separation are a wreck. With so many emotions (mostly anger, sadness and confusion) it's a wonder you make it through your day. Not only are you worried about yourself but you are worried about your kids too.


What are the affects of divorce on children?
Will I be able to help my child through divorce?
Will their grades be affected?
What do I say if they get sad or mad?
What if I don't know what to say at all?


These and many more questions are probably swirling around your head. They are swirling around my head even as I write this.


About a year ago, I packed up my 14 month old daughter and myself and moved us in with my parents. I had just found out my husband had been cheating on me for 2 years. At the time, I was mostly concerned with how I would earn enough money to provide for myself and my daughter. My daughter is 2 and a half years old now and even though she's so young she's affected by our unfortunate situation. Even at her young age, she realizes something is not right. Other children have their parents under the same roof. Other children's parents hug and laugh and kiss. She understands her parents are not like her friend's parents. And I can tell it confuses and hurts her.


Color Through Divorce is a therapeutic coloring book to help mom and child bond and grow together during separation and divorce. This coloring book is designed so mom and child can color at the same time. The right side is for mom and the left side is for the child. There are also some activities that mom and child complete together. Each page is filled with unique drawings and offers a multi-faceted approach to dealing with all the emotions that come with separation and divorce.


Take a break from the stress and spend precious time coloring with your child. In these pages you will find:

  • 50 beautiful drawings to color

  • Activities that bring you and your child closer together

  • Connection Questions to help you start difficult conversations with your child about the changes in your family

  • Prompts to help you and your child support each other through this rough time

  • A much-needed break from your worry about your separation and divorce

  • Precious time to begin the healing process

  • Inspirational quotes to help get you through your day

  • A creative outlet for your child to begin working through his or her emotions



Price: 11.99 + shipping

 I've been separated for over two years but I still get questions from my kids, and this is a wonderful stress-free platform to use. You will not regret this purchase! I cannot recommend it enough.

- Jenna, Danville, IL

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