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Get ready to love yourself through divorce!

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Love Yourself Through Divorce

6-Week Journey


Divorce is one of the hardest things you will ever experience. It’s also one of the saddest. You have probably already begun to deal with painful emotions like heartbreak and loneliness and maybe even betrayal. When going through heartbreak like this it’s difficult to not question your self-worth and whether you will ever find love again.


I know how you feel. I remember when I first left my ex-husband: I felt hopelessly unloved. Even before I left him, I was putting so much energy into fixing our marriage that I lost bits and pieces of myself along the way. I became self-conscious and began to think that I was just a bad wife. And then, when I found out my ex had been having an affair, my self-worth and self-love was shattered.

Even in a happy marriage, you can lose sight of who you are. You can get wrapped up in the roles of “wife” and “mom” so much that you neglect your own wants and desires. Loving yourself and staying connected with yourself is a “luxury” for which you never seem to have time or energy. An unhappy marriage and divorce piles on all manner of negative feelings. Guilt, blame, self-doubt and hopelessness are just a few of these emotions.


It’s time to rekindle the most important love affair you will ever have.

I created the Love Yourself Through Divorce eCourse because I feel so strongly about the importance of self-love during separation and divorce. Your emotions and self-esteem will be battered and bruised during this ordeal. Practicing self-love now will help you stay above the onslaught and emerge a stronger, healthier, and happier you.

The Love Yourself Through Divorce eCourse guides you through 6 modules that help you manage your emotions, begin the healing process, and rekindle an amazing relationship with yourself. The eCourse is separated into 6 weeks. Each week focuses on a different aspect of you and your life.

  • Week 1: Jump-Start Your Healing Process

  • Week 2: Rekindle Your Relationship With Yourself

  • Week 3: Love Your Body

  • Week 4: Love Your Health

  • Week 5: Love Your Soul

  • Week 6: Keeping The Self-Love Flame Burning


In this course, you will spend 6 weeks devoted entirely to you. This course will help you stay laser-focused on your healing and rediscover the most important love of your life: the love you have for yourself.


Each week, you will receive 3 videos and a workbook delivered directly to your inbox.

The program also includes:

  • 3 group calls

  • Lifetime access to the Love Yourself Through Divorce Facebook Group

  • Unlimited email access.


Here are some other benefits you will receive:


  • Less expensive than hiring a counselor

  • Less expensive than using your lawyer as your emotional counselor

  • You can go through the course at your own pace

  • You can take this course while working around your family responsibilities and activities

  • The more prepared and self-aware you are, the less likely you are to fight over petty things in court

  • Save yourself time, stress and energy

  • Connect with other women who are going through heartache and divorce





This course is not a cure for your heartbreak. Six weeks isn't nearly enough time to heal. However, with this course you will build a solid foundation to jump-start your healing process and will learn ways to build yourself back up as you move through your divorce journey.


Week 1: Jump Start Your Healing Process

Week 1 starts off strong with 3 ways to get your healing process off on a good start. Healing is built on these 3 things:


  1. Staying single during your divorce process (this is a big deal and was the #1 reason I was able to heal faster during my separation and divorce)

  2. Building your support system

  3. Creating healthy boundaries


These 3 tools are the foundation for your healing process and will become comforting support as you go through your divorce journey. Each tool is designed to arm you against stress and help you get back on track when things get too much to handle.


Make a Commitment to Yourself
But before all that, your healing starts with a commitment.


During separation and divorce, it is imperative that you reconnect with yourself in order to heal your broken heart. It might seem like repairing this love is impossible. There’s so much heartache spread over so many years. I’m here to tell you that relearning how to love yourself is not only possible but it’s a great way to begin your healing process.

This journey starts with a commitment. A commitment to put yourself and your healing first. A commitment to remind yourself every day that you are worthy of love. It’s a commitment to face the healing process head on. It’s also a commitment to get back on track when everything falls apart.


Make a commitment, here and now, to put yourself first during and after your divorce. Then you can move on to rediscovering yourself.

Week 2: Rekindle Your Relationship With Yourself

In week2, you will learn 4 ways to reconnect with the real you, the you that existed before the heartbreak and before losing yourself in your marriage. The 4 areas we will cover are your hobbies, passions, goals, and emotions.

Each area will take you a step closer to getting to know yourself again and provide you with opportunities for self-expression and self-love. Your hobbies and passions will teach you more about how you want to spend your time and what drives your soul. Your goals give you a roadmap to propel you forward. And your emotions give you a treasure trove of information to help navigate your decisions along the way.


Rediscovering yourself and paying close attention to your inner soul are your greatest tools for healing during divorce.

Week 3: Love Your Body

Your body is a temple. And in week 3 you will focus on protecting and adoring it.


This week will focus on beauty, confidence, and sensuality. You will begin to rebuild a positive body image and confidence. And you will learn how to treat yourself as a living, breathing, sensual person.


Week 4: Love Your Health

The Love Yourself Through Divorce eCourse helps you refocus on your health and wellness. Going through a divorce causes a tremendous amount of stress and anxiety. This stress can lead to changes in diet, lack of energy, and can cause your health to suffer.


In week 4, you will refocus on your health and set up ways to keep your health and wellness top priorities during your divorce. You will explore the 3 areas that make up your general health and wellness: health, food, and exercise. A healthy body is another tool that will help you through your divorce.


Week 5: Love Your Soul

Divorce is going to take a lot out of you. Dealing with the daily tasks of your divorce like meetings with your lawyer, coordinating visitation with your ex, and reading through divorce agreements will drain your energy. And dealing with all the emotions that go along with divorce will start to drain your soul. It is imperative that you regularly refill your soul during your divorce journey.

The entire course will help you focus on yourself and arm you with ways to put yourself first. In week 5, you will focus specifically on nourishing your soul. Through journaling, reconnecting with your spirituality, and taking much-needed alone time you will develop a regular habit of nourishing your soul


Week 6: Keep The Self-Love Flame Burning

You've got this! But, in case you don't (and some days, no matter how hard you try, you just won't be able to cope) I give you encouragement and motivation to get back on track. The main thing is not to beat yourself up when you have bad days. You are under massive amounts of stress and sadness and a library of other emotions. No one, not even Super Woman herself, could possibly be expected to handle divorce perfectly.

The point is not to strive for perfection or show everyone you have it all together. That's actually a sure fire way to break down. The point is to have a plan in place to help you recover more quickly. The worksheets and one-on-one sessions that are included with this course will help you stick with your plan and keep going when all you want to do is give up.


Create Your Own Unique Divorce Guide

With the help of this course, you will essentially create your own, personalized divorce guide. This guide will be your support system during your divorce. You will also be able to refer to it well beyond your divorce as you continue to heal and grow and rediscover yourself. The videos and workbooks you receive each week, along with the group sessions, give you a framework to get started but you are ultimately the designer of your divorce journey guide.

I don't believe that theories and mantras are enough to heal during divorce. You deserve more than that! You deserve a tangible, action-based guide to help you manage your emotions now and set yourself up for happiness and love beyond your divorce.


The Love Yourself Through Divorce eCourse is a gift you give yourself. You deserve it!


The Course Includes​
  • 18 Videos

  • 6 full-color workbooks, 95 total pages

  • All delivered to your inbox

  • 3 live group call sessions during the 6-week program

  • Unlimited email access for support and motivation

  • Full access to the Love Yourself Through Divorce eCourse Facebook Group


You have a choice between 2 payment options below.

Please enter the email you would like to use to receive the eCourse. And then click "Buy Now".

Please enter the email you would like to use to receive the eCourse. And then click "Buy Now".

One payment of $297 (saves you $33)
Two payments of $165

Pay $165 now and an invoice for the second payment will be emailed to you via PayPal.

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